12 research outputs found

    Juice: An SVG Rendering Peer for Java Swing

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    SVG—a W3C XML standard—is a relatively new language for describing low-level vector drawings. Due to its cross-platform capabilities and support for events, SVG may potentially be used in interactive GUIs/graphical front-ends. However, a complete and full-featured widget set for SVG does not exist at the time of this writing. I have researched and implemented a framework which retargets a complete and mature raster- based widget library—the JFC Swing GUI library—into a vector-based display substrate: SVG. My framework provides SVG with a full-featured widget set, as well as augmenting Swing’s platform coverage. Furthermore, by using bytecode instrumentation techniques, my Swing to SVG bridging framework is transparent to the developers— allowing them to implement their user interfaces in pure Swing

    Ornamen Gereja Santo Yusuf Wonokerso Magelang

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    Gereja St. Yusuf Wonokerso merupakan gereja yang diresmikan oleh Uskup Mgr. Ignasius Suharyo pada tahun 2009. Gereja ini dibangun dengan semangat gotong royong umat gereja St. Yusuf Wonokerso dan kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak. Interior gereja yang didominasi warna putih untuk plafond dan dinding memberikan kesan yang luas. Ornament yang menjadi obyek penelitian adalah lidah api, pohon, mozaik.plafon  Metode penelitian secara diskriptif kualitatif dengan cara memperoleh data observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Bentuk bangunan perpaduan arsitektur indis dengan cirikhas  menjulang tinggi dan atap pelana sebagai wujud arsitektur Jawa. Ornament yang berupa lidah –lidah api dan pohon menggunakan material botol kaca berwarna –warni yang dipecah-pecah dan disusun dengan cara tengkurap untuk menghilangkan sisi tajamnya. Lidah –lidah dalam tradisi gereja Katolik sebagai symbol roh kudus yang memberikan terang sedang pohon sebagai symbol pohon kehidupan yang bermakna agar memberikan keteduhan bagi umat saat berdoa. Mozaik tentang perjamuan kudus diletakkan di panti imam sebagai sarana membantu umat saat ekaristi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ornament interior berupa lidah api, pohon, mozaik di Gereja St. Yusuf Wonokerso sebagai sarana bagi umat saat ekaristi atau berdoa selain sebagai fungsi estetik


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    Background: Bleeding manifestation is caused by 3 components. Blood vessels factor, coagulation factor and thrombocyte. Thrombocytopenia causes bleeding. But in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever ( DHF ) patients with thrombocytopenia do not always develop bleeding manifestation. Objective: To know whether decreasing of thrombocyte count increases the risk of bleeding manifestation in DHF patients. Method: This study was retrospective analytic observational study. The data were secondary data from DHF patients medical record between 1 July 2001 – 30 June 2006. The thrombocyte data used were thrombocyte count in case of bleeding manifestation occurred or the lowest thrombocyte count in case of no bleeding manifestation. ROC analysis was done to determine the cut off point. Chi Quadrat was used. The data were then proccesed with SPSS 15 For Windows. Result: ROC analysis showed the optimum cut off point for bleeding was 88.820. Out of 341 adult DHF patients samples, 190 patients had thrombocyte count ≤ 88.820 / mm3 and 151 patients had thrombocyte count > 88.820 / mm3. Out of 190 patients with thrombocyte count ≤ 88.820 / mm3, 10 patients developed severe bleeding manifestation and the remaining 180 did not ( they only developed mild bleeding manifestation or did not developed them at all ). Out of 151 patients with thrombocyte count >88.820 / mm3, 2 patients developed severe bleeding manifestation and the remaining 149 did not. Fisher’s Exact Test showed the value of p was 0,05 and odds ratio for thrombocyte was 4,139. Conclusion: Decreasing of thrombocyte count < 88.820 / mm3 increases the risk of bleeding manifestation in DHF patients. Key words: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, thrombocytopenia, bleeding manifestation

    Wave Transmission and Energy Dissipation in a Box Culvert-Type Slotted Breakwater

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    This research is conducted to examine the transmission wave and energy dissipation of a box culvert-type slotted breakwater, which is designed as a breakwater structure with a watertight wall at the top and a box culvert type hole at the bottom. The process involves physical modeling of this structure in the laboratory. The hole and wave parameters are varied to determine the breakwater performance. The results show that the transmission coefficient (KT) value is reduced as the relative hole height (hL/d) value is decreasing and the relative hole length (B/L) and wave steepness (H/L) values are increasing. The energy dissipation coefficient (KD) value increases with an increment in hL/d, H/L, and B/L but starts to decrease after reaching the maximum, which is the optimum H Ă— B/L2 value. This optimum value is found to be 0.0034(hL/d)2.618 depending on the (hL/d) value, while the maximum KD value is recorded to be 0.70


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    Gelombang datang akan mengalami difraksi saat melewati sebuah struktur yang relatif besar. Gelombang difraksi akibat breakwater ambang rendah half cylinder akan dihamburkan secara radial arah normalnya berupa gelombang hambur (scatter). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kinerja breakwater ambang rendah half cylinder berdasarkan nilai koefesien hambur (scatter) gelombang (Ks) yang terjadi. Analisis potensial gelombang dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan persamaan pengatur aliran secara analitik menggunakan potensial kecepatan sebagai variabel dasar dengan menerapkan kondisi syarat batas yang ada. Hasil analitik kemudian diverifikasi menggunakan metode numerik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa koefesien scatter (Ks) breakwater ambang rendah half cylinder akan meningkat jika periode gelombang (T) dan nilai parameter a/h (a = jari-jari half cylinder, h = kedalaman air) bertambah besar.  Nilai koefesien scatter (Ks) akan bernilai maksimum jika nilai ka  2 (k = wave number). Hasil verifikasi menunjukan bahwa metode analitik dan numerik menggunakan potensial kecepatan sebagai variabel dasar mendekati hasil yang sama jika nilai a/h ≤ 0,50

    Refleksi dan Run Up Gelombang Melalui Pemecah Gelombang Berlubang Tipe Box Culvert

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji refleksi dan tinggi run-up gelombang pada pemecah gelombang berlubang tipe box culvert, yaitu struktur pemecah gelombang dengan bagian atas berbentuk dinding kedap air dan bagian bawah berbentuk lubang tipe box culvert. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan eksperimen model fisik di laboratorium. Parameter struktur lubang dan parameter gelombang divariasi untuk mengetahui unjuk kerja pemecah gelombang berdasarkan indikator nilai koefesien refleksi (KR) dan tinggi run-up (Ru). Parameter penelitian berdasarkan analisis non dimensional adalah tinggi lubang relatif (hL/d), panjang lubang relatif (B/L) dan kecuraman gelombang (H/L). Eksperimen model fisik di laboratorium menggunakan saluran gelombang dengan panjang 15,0 m, lebar 0,3 m dan tinggi 0,45 m. Simulasi gelombang menggunakan gelombang reguler dan tinggi gelombang diukur menggunakan alat wave probe yang ditempatkan di depan model. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa nilai KR dan Ru akan meningkat dengan menurunnya nilai hL/d, meningkatnya nilai B/L dan meningkatnya nilai H/L

    The combined impact of sauerkraut with Leuconostoc mesenteroides to enhance immunomodulatory activity in Escherichia coli-infected mice

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    This study investigated the pooled impacts of sauerkraut and Leuconoctoc mesenteroides culture on immunomodulatory activity in experimental animal. The in vivo immunomodulatory activity of Escherichia coli infected-Balb-C mice was ascertained in fermented sauerkrauts [test vs. control]. Both sauerkrauts enhanced the adaptive immune-response [evidenced by an increase in CD4+ CD8+ IFN-γ, TNFα] and innate immune response [represented by a decrease of CD68- IL-6]. Nevertheless, the in vivo immunomodulatory activity of sauerkraut combined with Leconoctoc mesenteroides was higher than that showed in sauerkraut control solely. Keywords: immunomodulatory activity; sauerkraut; Leuconostoc mesenteroides; mic


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    Background: Coronary collateral circulation (CCC) is linked to myocardial remodeling severity in patients with chronic ischaemic heart disease (IHD). However its effect on left ventricular reverse remodeling (LVRR) in patients with chronic IHD underwent coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) has never been reported. Purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of CCC grade on the LVRR event in patients with chronic IHD underwent CABG. Methods: This prospective cohort study was performed in patients with chronic IHD underwent CABG. The&nbsp;CCC was classified using Rentrop collateral score, i.e low CCC grade (Rentrop score 0 and 1) and high CCC grade (Rentrop score 2 and 3). &nbsp;LVRR event was defined as a reduction in left ventricular end systolic volume (LVESV) of 10% or more, measured by a 3D echocardiography at 1.5 months post CABG compared to the baseline before CABG. Results: A total of 22 patients (81.8% male) with mean of age 58.6 years old were enrolled. LVRR occurred in 50% patients. LVRR event was significantly higher in the patients with high CCC grade than the low CCC grade patients (p=0.009). The high CCC grade increased LVRR event independently (odds ratio=26.67; relative risk=6.93). Conclusions: High coronary collateral circulation may increase left ventricular reverse remodeling event in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease underwent coronary artery bypass surgery. Keywords: coronary collateral circulation; left ventricular reverse remodeling; chronic ischaemic heart disease; coronary artery bypass surgery; 3D echocardiography